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You must book this Airbnb when in NZ!

We had absolutely no intentions of booking this Airbnb before leaving for our trip to New Zealand, in fact, we hadn't even heard of its existence. It wasn't until we found ourselves shivering in our hire van and craving a change of scenery that my friend took me by surprise and made the booking. The true magnificence of this place only became apparent to me after getting lost a couple of times and eventually stumbling upon it!

Nestled in the serene landscapes of the South Island and only 10km to the cozy town of Twizel, 50-min to Mt Cook, 4hrs to Christchurch, & 3hrs to Queenstown. You will find this architecturally stunning property. Surrounded by solitude, it offers a profound sense of being in the midst of nowhere, making it an ideal spot to truly connect with nature and break free from the hustle of everyday life. Aptly named Skylark after the birds that inhabit the area, this cabin is fully equipped with all the amenities necessary for an idyllic weekend getaway.

There are so many incredible features to this cabin that I love but my absolute favourite as to be the outdoor bath, I spent hours out here watching the sun setting behind the mountains & the stars starting to appear as it became night. It is an experience I’ll never forget.

One Magical Night At the Airbnb

It was a fleeting visit, but the memories will linger for a long time. As we pulled up to the charming Airbnb in the warm glow of the afternoon, a sense of tranquility enveloped us. The property seemed to beckon us to explore, and we eagerly obliged. The house was a treasure trove of delights, with hidden nooks and crannies waiting to be discovered.
With dusk casting its soft hues over the landscape, we leisurely assembled a luxurious cheese platter, savoring every bite as we lounged in the enchanting outdoor bath. The winter evening crept in, and we retreated indoors, feeling the warmth and coziness of the place seep into our bones. The circular skylight above the bed proved to be a celestial portal, offering an uninterrupted view of the star-studded sky. The sight was nothing short of mesmerizing, and I found myself lost in the vastness of the universe, feeling simultaneously humbled and elated.
Just as I thought the evening couldn't possibly hold more magic, daybreak brought with it a breathtaking sunrise. The glow of the sun painted the surroundings in a palette of soft pastels, infusing the air with a sense of renewal and promise. Witnessing this natural spectacle, I couldn't help but wear an unshakeable smile, feeling an overwhelming gratitude for being in that very moment.

The soft sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a gentle glow upon the tranquil room. The scent of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air, intermingling with the earthy aroma of the paper pages of an enthralling book.
As the morning unfolded at a leisurely pace, the world outside seemed to stand still, allowing for a serene cocoon of calm and contentment. Each sip of tea brought a soothing warmth to the soul, while the panoramic view of the misty landscape outside offered a spectacle of natural beauty.
The morning was a canvas of tranquility, painted with the symphony of rustling pages, the soft clinking of porcelain against saucer, and the distant melody of birdsong. It was a moment to savour, to indulge in the simple pleasures of life, and to find solace in the embrace of a wonderful place that felt like a sanctuary from the bustling outside world.
The regret of a short stay tugged at my heart as we bid farewell, leaving behind a piece of our souls in that idyllic retreat. If only time had allowed for a longer sojourn, to bask in the glory of that place a little while more.

If you would like to book this Airbnb for yourself or just take a look here is the link: