
The Motherland holds a special place in my heart - it's the land where I was born and where my love for photography first took root. Growing up on the majestic east coast, I am truly blessed to be surrounded by the endless expanse of the ocean and the rich tapestry of diverse flora and fauna.

Growing up in Australia, I always felt a deep desire to truly immerse myself in the diverse beauty of my own country before venturing beyond its borders. Thus, in 2014, at the ripe age of 20 and armed with a modest sum of $2500 carefully saved up, I embarked on an odyssey across the vast expanse of Australia. Behind the wheel of a trusty Ford Falcon, I was accompanied by a motley crew of fellow adventurers from distant lands, adding a touch of international camaraderie to our journey as we sought to traverse the incredible landscapes and experience the unique cultures that our remarkable nation had to offer.

Images photographed between 2014 - 2023



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